The USS / CGV Tanmesad is deeply saddened to report to the Omega Fleet the tragic and violent death of short service crew member Lannie Mipp, daughter of our Marine Executive Officer, Colonel Terwal Mipp of Cardassia.
The crime was committed by Garresh Gren Gumar of Cardassia and has been described as a "Hate Crime" ~ the Cardassian freely admitted to assualting, raping and killing the beautiful Cardassian - Bajoran hybrid officer claiming her racial and special impurities are not acceptable to Cardassians and to the Tanmesad.
Initially it was believed to be a terrorist attack by the Insadran Illparanrek but Gumar admitted to the crime. Though not wishing to give him martyrdom status, the Garresh was executed for his crime in summary judgement by the command staff of the Tanmesad.
The Cardassians actions only serve to remind us how much farther we need to go in order to facilitate better relations between Cardassia and Bajor. Old wounds heal so very slowly.
Reported by:
Yeltbrin Ashley Annoi
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS / CGV Tanmesad